Body Trim Ebook Download

Body Trim Ebook Download

Hi MelCus, yes you can eat these in the weight loss phase. With the peanut butter cookies it is best not to eat anymore than one or two a week as they will slow down your weight loss. When you make them weight them in 50 gram portions. Cheese cakes are fine, make sure you keep them in the snack portion range. Ricotta and cottage cheese can be eaten as a meat subsitute for protein, cream cheese not as much due to fat content. Oopsy rolls are fine just watch with the amount of cream cheese.

If you get the chance it is worth while to buy the Bodytrim pack, you can get it cheeper on ebay if you are stuck for cash. I say this as everyone has there own interpretation of what works for them on Bt and its best to use the Bt book as your reference first.

I have a recipe for a quiche that I made last night. It's nice hot or cold. Crust-less Quiche 4 eggs 1 cup soy milk 125g light ricotta Salt and pepper to taste 1 onion 1 tsp garlic 1 head of broccoli (I also used left over veges from the fridge) Olive oil, non stick spray or similar for frying Crack eggs into bowl and add soy milk, ricotta, salt and pepper. Whisk together.

Cut heads off broccoli and cut into grape-size florets. Cook or steam them until tender. Around 5-7 mins.

Do not overcook! While the broccoli is cooking, peel and chop the onion, and cook it and the garlic in a pan with some olive oil until the onion is transparent.

Drain the broccoli and rinse under a cold tap to cool. Gently mix broccoli (or other veges), the garlic and onion - into the egg mixture. Coat a dish or pie plate with non stick spray, then pour mixture into dish. Jiggle pan slightly to get the air bubbles out, then bake at 220°C for 20-30 minutes, until light browned and set in the center.

Serve with a green salad. Nice recipe, icdeadpixels it looks like frittata is on the menu I made the best ever frittata yesterday, so thought I would post the recipe too: FRITTATA 5 eggs ½ cup cream (with a dash of water to dilute) ½ onion (diced small) Broccoli (cut into very small florettes) ½ cup grated cheese (I use parmesan & mozzarella) 100g salami (diced) A few mushrooms (sliced) 3 sundried tomatoes (chopped small) 1 fresh tomato (sliced thin to garnish) Mixed herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, sage) Beat eggs, cream and water together with a fork until frothy. Butter a 20cm dish well to stop frittata from sticking. Pour ½ egg mix in dish. Sprinkle the onion evenly. Place broccoli evenly.

Sprinkle on about half the cheese. Then arrange the mushrooms, salami, and dot around the sundried tomato bits. Pour on the rest of the egg mix and make sure everything is covered with egg (sink floating bits with the back of a fork if necessary). Arrange tomato slices on the top (let float) and sprinkle with remaining cheese and mixed herbs. Microwave on medium high for 15 mins or so. Frittata is cooked when a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.

This makes enough for 5 or 6 serves. Delicious for breakfast, or with salad for a main meal. For strict BT, you could replace the cream with whipped ricotta cheese. Other fillings could include ham and asparagus, bacon. Whatever you like! To all the lovely ladies who have posted recipes on here.

Body Trim Ebook Download Bodybuilding

Thank you so much!! I have tried a couple of Akasha's and last night made the frittata that Scribe entered, it was sooo easy and really nice. This site is fantastic and I am so pleased to have found it. Have been on BT now for 3 weeks and have lost over 5 kilos. (Very happy).


I made a WW recipe tonight and it was very easy and yummo so I thought I would share it. Lemon Chicken 2 lemons 125 ml chicken stock garlic 2 tsp dried oregano 500g to 1 kg chicken depending how many you are feeding (I used 500g chicken steaks) Squeeze lemons into large bowl and add stock, garlic and oregano.


Season with salt and pepper (if desired). Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or overnight. Spray large roasting pan with oil and add chicken and marinade. Bake for approx. 45 minutes at 200C.

Serve with salad or green vegies. Nut Spice Protein Cake 90 g Protein Powder (I used BTP Vanilla) 3 tsp baking powder 1 tablespoon Splenda (you could delete this completely - there is no need for it) 3 medium eggs, 3 Tablespoons Cottage Cheese 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup peanuts, chopped 1 tbsp vanilla extract 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg Mix dry ingredients. In separate bowl mix eggs, cottage cheese and vanilla extract with a whisk. Beat well and add to dry ingredients, mixing well.

Should be wet like cake mix. Pour in lined loaf pan. Bake at 170 degrees 20 minutes. ZUCCHINI AND RICOTTA BAKE 600g lamb mince 1 onion 1 tsp crushed garlic 1 pkt french onion soup mix grated (finely chopped) vegies of your choice, I used carrot, capsicum, fennel bulb and celery, in the amounts of your choice 1 jar of raguletto red wine and garlic pasta sauce 1/3 jar of water to rinse squirt of tomato sauce squirt of bbq sauce (I actually rinsed out some bottles I had that were empty) 3 medium zucchini sliced thinly lengthways 500g ricotta 1 bunch fresh basil 1 cup cheddar cheese grated 2 eggs Brown the mince then add onion, garlic and other veg and soften.

Next add soup mix and combine thoroughly. Add pasta sauce, water and other sauces and simmer until cooked. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees C. Spoon a layer of mixture on the bottom of lasagne dish. Top with layer of zucchini, then sauce, then zucchini. Next combine ricotta, eggs, basil and 1/2 the cheddar and spoon this on top of the zucchini layer.

Top with another layer of zucchini and then the remaining bolognaise sauce. Sprinkle with the other half cup of cheddar cheese and bake for 1-1 and half hours until zucchini is soft. This sounds yummy, but just a question. Is it ok to have the pasta sauce whilst on BT? Thanks for sharing those recipes, they all look fab!

I'm on day 5 of BT, and doing really well. I made the notatoes cauliflower mash tonight, and it was a hit!

My kids loved it too, hubby was pretty impressed. Can't wait to try it with bangers and mash.

On that note, is there anyway to make low carb gravy? And also, where do you buy the sugar free maple syrup? My coles didn't have any, and i want to try the psyllium husk pancakes. Thanks for all the yummy motivation.

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