Install Windows 1 01 Dosbox Fullscreen

  1. Dosbox Commands Full Screen
  2. Dosbox Full Screen Windows 10

W.7 PRO executes EXE files compiled for DOS just like previous versions of WINDOWS. You can also run the CMD.exe which gives you the DOS screen. However a major issue is that W.7 automatically switches a foreign kboard to US QWERTY when the EXE file loads in memory preventing business apps running on XP PRO systems with an AZERTY (french) kboard to be upgraded to W.7 PRO. I have compiled a demo program (180 kb) showing the issue when run on both systems. I hope someone on this forum will tell me how to retrieve control of the kboard language in DOS on a 100% W.7 PRO system.

Hello, I hope you won't mind me jumping in on this discussion. I have done a lot of searching for a solution to the problem of getting DOS to work in fullscreen on Windows 7. I have tried Windows XPMode but all I get is the same size window surrounded by black, the text is the same size as when it is not in fullscreen. (Which is not the behavior on a real XP machine.) I also tried VirtualBox with the same results. I am trying to run a proprietary DOS program in Windows 7. (I also tried DOSBOX but couldn't even configure it properly to run my program since the program runs from a network drive.) If any one has a solution that really works or can instruct me on how to configure one of the above solutions to work, I would very very much appreciate it! Thanks, Nina.

So far I can tentatively say that you have solved my problem! I started working in DOS fullscreen mode and it's great. (After a few minutes it reverted to a small screen but I just switched back to fullscreen and continued. I will have to keep an eye on how often that happens and if it starts to be a real pain.) (P.S. My graphics driver is an Intel so the instructions given in your link were slightly off, Intel actually asked me if I want to overwrite the later version of the graphics card with the XP version, I said yes, and it installed fine.

Once again I would like to really thank you! My new Dells came with Vista Home Premium installed. I've tried with and without the help of techs to load XP Pro (I have two legitimate copies) into a new partition on each machine's hard drive (with a view to formatting the partition containing Vista) but the effing things won't let us do it.

The only option, as I understand it, is to upgrade to Vista Pro, which offers the Virtual XP option. As for the question about why I need Windows, I use PowerPoint, Word, etc.

For various purposes other than raw word-processing with Xywrite. Thanks for the various responses. I also do PowerPoint, but Microsoft priced me into using Impress on OpenOffice instead. (Works fine; saves PPT files.) Can't say the same for OpenOffice Writer, so I use my Office 2000 Word when that's needed. Once MS tells me I have to buy a new version of Office, I am going to move to OpenOffice and live with the limitations.

OpenOffice is free, multi-platform, and is supported by Sun Microsystems. It also works on Linux, and given all the Mac people I deal with professionally, can't see that beng a PC/Linux person can be all that bad. Sea Monkey resurrected my aged Netscape email files, so I am finding a way that does not rely on Microsoft. My Word 2000 clearly lacks current features, but nothing that I find I have to have. I use Word mostly to import various objects which Writer can't do.

Have not tried Writer much, but if it is RTF compatible, I should do fine. I never used the PowerPoint that came with my Office98, and Microsoft left it out of the version of Office 2000 I have. However, Impress files, saved as PPT, play fine in the free Microsoft PPT player. It's like AutoCAD.

If you are doing 2D drawings, and don't have to worry about compatability, you can (at least I can) use Release 9 and draft circles around anyone using a later version. Release 9 fits on a 1.44MB floppy, with drivers. The program is so small that it simply screams on today's machines. In the past 20 years they have added things, but not made it better for it's main task: doing drawings. There are companies who release new products to make them better. There are other companies that release new products to keep up revenues. I will admit that Quicken gets to shake me down for an upgrade avery 2 or 3 years, but that's less than $40, and they know that they are dead if they can't install on top of the old version.

Install Windows 1 01 Dosbox Fullscreen

I just see Microsoft as losing touch with the base of their business, leaving it open for a competitor. I have had Word for over a decade, and have never found it to be as productive as PC-Write, a 20yo DOS program. Word has many more features, but like a Swiss Army knife, it's not the best thing to eat with. I prefer to get the job done. It's productivity of getting the information into words, not the experience of the software. Also, Word has the interface du jour.

Things are changed to be different, not to make them more productive, only, at most, to add features that less then 10% of the users really need. It would be interesting to see how fast a DOS program user can get a 1-page letter out, compared to someone using Word. Depends on the speed of the typist and the computer they're using. MS Word isn't any slower than your run of the mill DOS word processor. Someone used to using Word will be just as fast as someone used to using PC-Write or whatever DOS-based word processor. If you ignore the extra niceties of Word and just open it up and type, then you can't possibly tell me it's slower than anything else.

I waited for years to finally get rid of DOS. And here people are still clinging to it. But then I like change and I realize there are a lot of people that don't. I rarely keep older versions of programs that I use. So I was just trying to understand why others do it.

I like to get as many features as possible. The only 20yo computer programs that I still use are PC-Write, and a few simple apps I wrote in Turbo Pascal. Otherwise, my apps are Win98SE vintage or newer. Do you think it is a studied choice.

'Well, I think I will upgrade this, use, this and abandon this.' No, it is if there is a better product that lets me do my work better and faster. That is the flaw in the wave after wave of 'new' apps and OS's: they may make some minor technical improvement, and some things that can be sold as 'gee whiz,' but who actually uses those new bells and whistles. Who actually STARTS using a computer for a task because of them? These have to be weighed against (many more) those who are encumbered by the 'new' features getting in the way. As for the specific of the WP task, I have worked with Word out of necessity for a decade.

Why have I not moved to it? Because it simply does not allow the quick SINGLE keystroke to features I use every few minutes. It's not that you cannot do these things in Word, you just can't: a) split the screen at the current cursor position by pressing; b) start a search with; c) jump to the next occurrence with; d) do a single search/replace with; e) insert a file with Ctrl-; f) export a block of text to a file with Ctrl-; to name a few. Bill Wallace did a great job with the user interface and natural language aspects of PC-Write. No need to define indentations - the program recognizes them without any formatting at all.


Perhaps one of the biggest stupidities is that when I have to highlight a block of text in Word (and virtually all Win apps) I have to hold down the key. In PC-Write I start the block text function, and then highlighting follows the cursor until I complete the function: I have twice the number of hands available to me! Perhaps some of these can be defined as macros in Word, but how long will those work until a 'new' version of Word decides to ignore or improperly implement those macro translations. I have old Excel spreadsheets with macros that did not translate into a later version. Funny thing though, if I do a spreadhseet with macros in 20yo QuattroPro, they come up in Excel just fine.

If your job is to play with computers, these are engaging and entertaining issues. Maybe that's your job, or your amusement.

Dosbox full screen windows 10

Dosbox Commands Full Screen

Some of us use computers as a tool to generate a work product, and need to reach that product as efficiently and reliably as possible.

Dosbox Full Screen Windows 10

Hello Guys, Tasm,or Turbo Assembler/Turbo Debugger By Borland, is one of the most popular assembler used in the world today. It’s used to study the architecture and working of various Microprocessors such as 8085,8086,8051,Pentium Series etc.

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