Borderlands Serial Number

  1. Serial Number For Borderlands Goty
  2. Borderlands Goty Edition Pc Serial Number

By SERIAL NUMBERS, FUNDAMENTAL RAYS AND COLOURS AS we have learnt something about the first principles of the use of the pendulum, we now come to the finer points of dowsing and radiesthesia. These finer points consist of finding the “serial numbers” and “fundamental rays” of the various substances and their affinity with certain colours and musical notes. I had previously asked you to accept as a fact that every substance or object, animate or inanimate, gives of emanations or vibrations. I have also shown how their fields of influence can be measured. Now we must go a step further so as to enable the operator to know to what substance or object (iron, gold, water) the pendulum has reacted. It is of little use if a radiesthetist knows that there is something hidden in the ground if he does not know what it is, or at least has not a very shrewd idea. SERIAL NUMBERS Every substance has a serial number by which it can be recognised but there are more substances than one with the same serial number so we must have a second check; but of that later.

To make things even more difficult serial numbers cannot be taken from a book but must be found out because they are individual to each operator. Iron, for example, may have a serial number of 4 to me but 5 to my next door neighbour, although we have the satisfaction of knowing that they are constant once they have been established. If you have proved that 4 is your serial number for iron it will always be 4. The differences are not great and there are not many people who are abnormal, so that generally speaking iron is 4 for almost everyone. Nevertheless it is advisable to find out your own serial numbers for everything. This can only be done by practice and experiment although it is not a very long process once one has got the hang of it, and this is how it is done.

Borderlands Serial Number

We will assume that you wish to find the serial number (and incidentally the “fundamental ray”) for iron. A bunch of keys will again serve as a sample.

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Hold the pendulum over the sample and when the pendulum is gyrating, stop it. This can be done by either taking the pendulum in the left hand or by touching the right hand with the left, this in some way short circuits the pendulum and makes it stop. Repeat the operation again and again until you find that the pendulum will not commence to gyrate at all, it has in fact reached a saturation point.

Count the number of times it did begin to gyrate and you have the serial number of iron. For me, in the case of iron, the pendulum gyrates four times, that is to say, on four separate consecutive occasions.

The number of gyrations on each occasion has nothing whatever to do FUNDAMENTAL RAYS Fundamental rays are gvien off by all objects and their direction, as we have already seen, is expressed in relation to the meridian, in fact, a reading from the compass. Generally speaking the fundamental ray is determined at the same time as the serial number, but if it is not you have to go through the same procedure or you can use the method which I gave on page 27 of my book under the heading “Orientation without a compass”. In this case we used iron in the form of a bunch of keys which we held in our left hand in front of but away from the body. Holding the pendulum in the right hand, turn from right to left (if you are right handed and vice-versa if left handed). When the pendulum commences to rotate note the direction in which you are facing and you have the fundamental ray direction for iron. In my book I did not mention anything about being right or left handed because I did not think it sufficiently important, but a number of readers have written to me on the subject and I have come to the conclusion that the direction of the turn has considerable bearing on the result of the test.


I find that people who use Radiesthesia for the selection of soil, etc., pay particular attention to the fundamental rays of the substances they have under test. If both rays are nearly the same, excellent results may be expected, but if they are more than 90 apart the soil and plant are incompatible. The method suggested is to use a 360-degree protractor with the 0 division at North. Place the sample of earth and plant, one at a time, in the centre of the arc of the protractor.

Hold the pendulum over the sample and when it changes to oscillation read the angle off the protractor. This method is probably more accurate than using a home-made compass card. Should you happen to try to test a substance which is in any way radioactive, the pendulum will gyrate first one way and then the other. BOTTLED RAYS You may be somewhat surprised when I say that rays and emanations can be bottled and used instead of the actual sample from which they came, but it is nevertheless a fact.

Serial Number For Borderlands Goty

In order to bottle the rays from a piece of iron all one has to do is to hold the iron over the opening of the bottle and blow just as if you were blowing smoke from a cigarette into the bottle. True, only a very small amount goes into the bottle but there will be sufficient to show that it is there. Cork the bottle and you will find that the results will be for iron or copper or tin or whatever sample you decide to use, both in regard to serial numbers and fundamental rays. I suggest you try this for yourself because it certainly sounds fantastic at first.

Borderlands Goty Edition Pc Serial Number

COLOURS Colours probably have a greater influence on our lives and wellbeing than we are inclined to believe. I know little or nothing about “colour therapy” so I will leave that to someone better equipped than I am to write about it but I am sure that there is a great deal in it. Henri Mager, one of the pioneers in this science, found that a simple mineral body, such as a piece of iron, when placed over different colours, stops vibratory manifestations but that the same mineral body placed over one colour, the right one, does not disturb the vibrations of that colour. He also found, by trial and error, the correct positions for certain colours and made what is now called the Mager Rosette (see diagram below) which I have superimposed for experiments. When dealing with colours it is essential that you use a black pendulum and it must be remembered that colours are also individual to operators so you may not necessarily agree with me, or anything else for that matter.

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