Advent 7094 Sound Drivers

  1. Advent 7094 Sound Drivers Free
  2. Advent 7094 Sound Drivers For Windows 7
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Advent 7094 Sound Drivers Free

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Advent 7094 Sound Drivers For Windows 7

Hi, I have wasted so much time and money for the past 7 days trying to get a recovery media for Advent 7094 laptop - Windows xp home edition. The tech guys only appear to deliver in the UK & dont have an online download that I could burn to a CD. I have been send round in a circle making phone calls, tech guys say to ring local PC world etc, I ring local PC world and they say ring the tech guys. In one last attempt to get the recovery media I am trying this site. So is there anybody out there who can let me know how I can get a recovery iso or disk for above?


Of course I am willing to pay but at this stage with all the phone calls I could probably buy a new laptop(definatley not advent. Also would need today. Thanks Sparrow.

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