2 Business Iso Open Sims

  1. The Sims 2 Iso Pc

'No disk inserted' error I'm not entirely sure if this is a game problem or a computer problem. Normally, my Sims 2 game will start without a problem, but today, I've been getting this message.

Please note, I am using a legal version of the game, and I've never seen this before. Also, the disk is in the computer! I have deleted my cache files and inspected the disk for scratches (there aren't any that I can see), yet it still won't work. Sadly, I can't tell you when the last time I played the game was, it has been a while. I know it isn't the disk drive (is that what it's called?), as I was playing TS3 earlier.

one last thing - I have the following Expansion packs installed: University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life & Stuff packs: Glamour Life, Celebration, H&M Fashion, Teen Style, Kitchen & Bath, Ikea, Mansion & Garden If I need to post more information (Like System Specifications), please let me know. I used to get that at least once a year, and after all this time (I've been playing for about four years), I STILL don't know what caused it! Some kind people here have offered their opinions and assistance, but it's still a puzzling issue. It 'stopped' when my husband, in an attempt to fix another problem, used some CC-Cleaner-like program (not CC-Cleaner itself, which never caused a problem with my Sims 2 game), and it acted like 'Computer Draino' on my Sims 2 game, as well as an EA game my husband played.

Now, if I try starting it from the disk, I always get a prompt to install the game, and MUST start from the desktop or My Computer. Did you install a program like this on your computer recently, or for that matter, did you install any major program recently? The good news is that I spoke with another tech (NOT the one who suggested the 'Computer Draino'!), and he said that as long as I could start it from my desktop or My Computer, it isn't a problem. It's a bit annoying since this is an extra step, but I'm used to it now. Back when I had the problem, I used to try one of a few methods: 1. I keep older back-ups on CDs, and try to to CD at least every other month.

Sims 2 open for business iso

The Sims 2 Iso Pc

70% of the time, I managed to fudge the issue by going back a few months to an older version, then replacing the Downloads, Lots, etc. With the current versions. (Naturally, you would have backed up your game before you did this and renamed your current version, just in case you really screw up.) This is the method you HOPE works. It makes life easier. Occasionally, that didn't work, and I had to, once again, rename the current version, let the vanilla base game install, (but not saving it), then deleting the vanilla game and re-inserting the current game, naming the current folder back to Sims 2. It seemed to 'unstick' the game. This process is very, very similar to what one would do if your game crashed, and you have to test it without your user files: Also, I had a third method, but let's just say it won't work in your case, so it's a moot point.


I'll have to try some of the things you mentioned. (I don't currently have the time, but I'll check back here and post the results when I do.) I recently installed Ambitions for the Sims 3, I don't know if that could have caused it. I also don't know how to start the game from the disk (I am an idiot), but I have a shortcut on my desktop to the Sims 2 launcher. Clicking 'play' keeps bringing up that message. I'm going to try the second meathod listed later.

Edit!: It works! I removed my user files, but that didn't solve the problem at first, trying to start the game from the disk did nothing and launching it from the desktop still prompted me for a disk, but then I remembered an occasion in which my anti-virus had blocked all the Sims applications.

Though it seemed highly unlikely, I checked, and sure enough, the Sims 2 launcher was in the 'highly restricted' category, as was 'the Sims 2 SC', which is basically the Sims 2 game. (I think), anyway, I changed them to 'low restricted' and tested my game. It loaded perfectly, so now all I have to do is try it with my old user files.

I think that this problem can be considered 'Solved!'

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